Motion Graphics

Move, listen, enjoy and dance

Eyes carry on a whole world to senses. They are telling a captivating story in VO, Music, beautiful animations, and powerful narratives that make us cry, laugh and learn. Motion graphics are your business golden ticket.

  • Explainer Video
  • 2.5D animation
  • Short Movies
  • Logo Animation
  • Broadcasting Graphics
  • Infographics / Instructional
  • UI Animation
  • Product Marketing
Motion Graphics

Our Motion Services

Our Motion Services

Short Movies

To capture everyone’s eyes towards you.

Explainer Video

Just like it’s name, it’s a video made to introduce who you are and what you do.

Broadcasting graphics

To bring energy and excitement to your content.

Logo animation

Shows your identity, sets expectations and draws a picture of who you are.

Product marketing

Success starts with creating a full strategy.


To deliver in a clear, simple, unique and memorable way.

2.5D Isometric

The most powerful way to combine the power of 3D and the simplicity of 2D.

UI Animations

Enhancing the overall interactivity and experience of the user.

Our approach

  • 1


    Where the idea is a major part of the project success. Working hand in hand to simplify the idea behind the video and the core message that we need to deliver.

  • 2


    Writing a scenario is the starting point of the creative process, its convey the content and defines the storyline visually and spoken (voice-over).

  • 3


    A draft production sketches that illustrates the scenes, compositions, characters, environment and transitions in a directive way.

  • 4


    Completing the full-graphic illustration in order to define the art-style, color palette, expressing the visual feeling and contributes in the direction process.

  • 5


    Turning the written script into recorded voice-over with specific characteristics in carefully selected tones.

  • 6


    Transforming all the previous into high-end animated visual material with audio production.

Our key features

Our key features


Trust us when we say it. Quality is one of the core values of Octagonz Studio and strictly, we do not compromise on it. Besides, we try hard to give you the best of our team to make sure your project must achieve to be a success.


One of the hardest things in project management is to clearly define the time needed to complete the project. Even if the client has set a fixed deadline, we have sufficient experience in project management and resources that qualify us to deliver high quality end-service on a tight timeline.


The cost control is one of our competitive advantages as we usually sets the baseline for what a project is needed to ensure the project is on budget.

Some of our projects

You’re Not Alone- Mental Health Campaign
The Smile of Bahrain Initiative
Hayat | Life
Saudi National Donations Platform

Do you have a worth-telling story?

Let's create something amazing together!

Do you have a worth-telling story?